Introducing our Online PR specialist
I’m Andrew and I’m the new kid at Yes – which is nice. Just thought I would pen a few words of introduction – Better the devil you know!
People keep calling me an Online PR specialist which is interesting as I rather like to think of myself as a regular PR man who has simply embraced the way the internet can put some lovely new tools in my box. Lots of my peers seem to put themselves on a pedestal with credentials as ‘Online PR Guru’ and implying huge barriers to entering the hallowed digital portals.
Good news for you, O’ prospective or existing valuable client, is the simple reality that we can explain Online PR to you in about 30 mins. Give you a working grasp in a couple of hours and turn you into a strategic genius in a couple of weeks. Bad news is that once you have this basic grasp you need to work very hard, every day, to keep up to date. That of course is where we come in – which is nice too.
A day to learn a lifetime to master – and none of us has had a lifetime to master it all yet as it only kicked off a few years ago and it keeps bloomin’ changing.
So my proposition to you is simple. Treat online activity like a Formula 1 car. No single thing you do will tip the balance in your favour, but pay it lots of attention (or better still pay a pittance us to pay it lots of attention) and, with fine tuning of a few different aspects of your online presence, mixed with a sensible amount of tried and tested ‘old school’ tricks (like picking up the phone to the odd journo) we can help to move you to the front of the race.
My time is now yours, so if you’d like to learn something new give us a buzz, send me your URL, buy me lunch and I’ll sing like a canary.