VOD gets personal
Several months ago, we were watching TV on my husband’s laptop, and a charming ad for The Dog’s Trust caught our attention. The ad encouraged my husband by name to sign up to be a rescue dog’s “special someone” and this heart-felt appeal really hit the mark. More recently, Channel 4 has maximised this powerful medium, by introducing its first personalised video-on-demand ads for the new ‘Alien Covenant’ film.
Personalisation has been a well-established tool for marketers for decades, so why has it taken so long to bring it into digital TV? Marketing Week writer, Thomas Hobbs somewhat wryly observes the concept of a “supposedly ‘groundbreaking’ format” and an “advertising ‘first’” in his article on the subject, noting that Channel 4 trialled the approach back in 2015 for Coca-Cola and Burberry.
But clearly the trend of tailored viewing continues to gain pace. Channel 4 is merely harnessing the power of personalisation to further engage on a one-to-one level with its viewers. Greater engagement increases responsiveness to advertising messages and this creates a virtuous circle to the benefit of advertisers and programme developers alike.
This isn’t news for The Direct Marketing Association, which has, since its inception, celebrated the power of personal communications through a variety of channels. Only the shift of emphasis is different; “we represent a data-driven industry that’s leading the business sector in creativity and innovation.” The core values of personal, customer-focused communications are still the same. The channels have merely evolved.
So how important is the data? According to GMSA’s Global World Congress, “there is a huge opportunity to develop a highly personalised and seamless video experience, which connects with consumers in a meaningful way. Convenience is king, but behind the scenes, there is still a lot of work to be done around big data capabilities, intelligent networks and the development of a personalised platform offering for the customer. This new kind of personalisation applies not only to the content we enjoy, but to the advertising we tolerate or respond to, dramatically increasing its inherent value.”
There are many ways to apply this approach to a brand, whether you are an SME or multi-national player, by simply adapting the digital marketing with that personal touch. This could be through simple channels such as an e-mail video that renders the recipient’s name live on screen or to mass targeting via a TV advertising campaign.
Capture your data – capture your audience’s attention!